Our Rescue Stories


Goldie was found incarcerated in an eight by six ft. shed housed with two dozen geese and was fed so infrequently that she slowly wasted away until she was no longer able to stand.  One day Goldie managed to crawl through the small opening to the outside world where she collapsed. The next door neighbour saw her lying there and called the RSPCA and the police. She was taken straight to the sanctuary's veterinary clinic where she received treatment for her over grown feet and malnutrition.  Goldie was with Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats for some years but one fine day in August after having her morning meal she strolled out into the park, laid down and passed away in the morning sunshine.

Goats from the M.O.D.

For many years the MOD had been using goats in experiments to find out how survival chances could be improved for people escaping from disabled submarines. This involved putting goats into pressure chambers and giving them the bends. During the course of these experiments, more than 200 goats suffered and died. However, thanks to public pressure, in 2008 these experiments were halted.  As the only charity in the UK dealing solely with the rescue of goats, Buttercups was asked to provide the goats with a new home. The animals we received were largely healthy and had obviously been well cared for. They either had never taken part in the experiments or, if they had, weren't yet showing any adverse symptoms, although a few did develop problems later in life.

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Lucky was first rescued by the RSPCA when a month old. He was badly abused - his tail had been cut off, his throat slit, and he had been thrown in a pond, presumably to die. The RSPCA took him in, treated his wounds and found him a new home. However, this did not work out well for Lucky in the long term and he was re-rescued by the RSPCA, this time with a rub wound from an incorrectly fitting tether to his back leg.  After seeing Buttercups on Countryfile, the RSPCA contacted us and asked if we could give Lucky the home he so needed, with company of his own kind. He arrived at Buttercups in March 2012 where he thrived until his eventual passing in 2020.


Diesel was found abandoned and brought to Buttercups in 2008. At the time of his rescue, he covered in engine oil and had an infected ear, whilst also suffering from foot rot.  Our vets checked him over and gave him medication to help with the severe breathing problems he was experiencing and for several months, he required daily bathing using detergent and bacterial shampoo to remove the oil.  This eventually revealed we actually had a brown and white goat, rather than the grey one we initially thought we had!  Soon after this, all his hair fell out, leaving him pink skinned and almost bald. Worse, the engine oil left his skin dry, shrivelled and cracked, with numerous ulcer-type sores, which were treated with a combination of baby oil, shampoo, steroids and a special product for dry skin.  After three weeks, some hair started to reappear and Diesel's skin began to recover.

Rodney & Jubilee

In the summer of 2012, two goats arrived at Buttercups, mere days apart.  First to arrive at the sanctuary was Jubilee; a small, female British Alpine, who was found cowering beneath a garden hedge, a broken tether around her neck.  Once brought to the sanctuary, the rope was removed and she was found to have several swollen and infected bite marks on both her front and hind legs.  A few days later, we received another call regarding yet another escaped goat, close to where Jubilee had been found.  Rodney, a slightly larger, sandy coloured goat, was also given an inspection upon his arrival, where he was found to have several plastic air-rifle pellets embedded in his chest, along with a tether similar to Jubilee’s.  The pair of goats instantly came together and from then on would not be separated.  For many long years, they enjoyed a comfortable and safe life together, amongst the green grass of the sanctuary, until they eventually passed away within weeks of each other in 2022.

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John was rescued from heart-breaking conditions in 2019, having spent his life tightly tethered in a small outbuilding in central London.  He had very limited access to any food, water, fresh air or even day light.  John must have known that he was being rescued as he did not resist as we led him away from his living nightmare.  Upon arrival, John was thoroughly over excited to finally have some company and immediately settled into his new life.  Despite his traumatic past, John has proven himself to be a very good boy, and is enjoying be well loved and cared for.

Golden Liberation

In 2022 we received a phone call regarding a family of Golden Guernsey’s who had been abandoned in a fenced-off wooded area next to a housing estate.  Distressingly, when we reached the sight we were informed of a further two goats who had been there, one of which has since died and with the other’s presence unknown.  At that time the temperatures had rocked up toward 40°C and with no water available, the goats were in a very sorry state.  Fortunately, despite their ordeal, the other five goats arrived safely back at the sanctuary, including one billy goat who had been chained to a tree, and were all nursed back to health.

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Sponsored Goat Visit

Lovely couple of hours spent relaxing amongst all the goats. The atmosphere is wonderful and you could honestly sit and watch them all day. Will happily come back with friends/family.

Trip Advisor July 2021
Best Relaxant Ever

I just love sitting, petting the very happy goats. If you are stressed it is the biggest stress reliever ever!!! Love that everything you spend money on will go towards looking after the goats. I will be visiting as often as possible.

Trip Advisor June 2023
Well Worth A Visit

Well worth a visit. Very child-friendly. Goats clearly loved and well cared for. Very hands-on experience for visitors. Helpful, cheerful staff. Had a lot of fun here.

Trip Advisor June 2023
A gentle sanctuary for goat and visitors

A lovely relaxing place. Great to see the Goats just roaming free. Plenty of willing goats looking for a gentle fuss, plus the opportunity to feed some of them if you purchase a bag of goat feed for £1. Definitely worth the visit.

Jon June 2023
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